Thursday 10 December 2020

Welcome to The Sunset Jungle!

This blog chronicles the trials and tribulations of the jungle of plants in my seaside apartment in downtown Vancouver.

I started growing plants as a child and for most of my life the collection was relatively small, either gifts or propagations. I don't recall actually buying any plants until my late 20s. 

After moving to Vancouver I expanded into outdoor gardening of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Slowly over the years my indoor jungle grew, but it really took off when I saw my first vertical garden. I was fascinated with the idea of growing up, not just along walls and windowsills. 

I built my first vertical garden in 2016, which, being slightly more complicated, required research. Once I started looking into which plants to get, I started to realize the vast assortment of colours, shapes, and sizes of tropical plants that were available. 

The one problem I ran into right away was lack of sunlight. My apartment faced north, which meant very little natural light. This was compounded by living in Vancouver, where it's cloudy for half of the year.

The first few years of jungle growth were a struggle. Grow lights were acquired, including a strip of purple LEDs that turned the apartment into a rave party. Plants were moved around, shade tolerant varieties were acquired, and little by little it began to grow. But deep down I knew that if only my plants could bath in sunlight, they would flourish.

After the first wave of the pandemic subsided I finally made the move into a fabulous southwest facing seaside apartment. The dream of any urban gardener, nothing but abundant natural light for my jungle. Since then the sunset jungle has taken off. Working from home has meant that I've had more time for plant care and to explore different types of plants for the jungle. 

It's all a wonderful experiment. Watching it grow got me thinking that I should document the new additions, growing and propagation techniques, and the growth of the jungle. 

I want this process to track my journey, but also provide advice and inspiration for fellow urban gardeners. Check back in regularly to see the growth of the jungle and hopefully you'll gain a few tips for your own piece of paradise. 

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